My Teaching Experience
Teaching Experience at Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust -
Input/Output Logic
LecturerInput/Output Logic is a formal framework used to model and analyze normative systems, which are systems that involve rules or norms governing behavior. It focuses on the relationship between inputs, which can be conditions or premises, and outputs, which are typically obligations or permissions.
Normative systems are essential for understanding legal, ethical, and social structures. They consist of two main types of norms: regulative norms, which define obligations and permissions, and constitutive norms, which establish the creation and modification of entities and concepts within a system.
Input/Output Logic provides a versatile approach for reasoning about these norms, offering tools to handle complex scenarios involving conflicting rules, changes over time, and the integration of different types of logic. It is widely applied in fields like artificial intelligence, law, and ethics, facilitating the design of systems that can make informed decisions based on a structured set of guidelines.
Normative Reasoning (Handout)
- Motivation
- Examples of normative systems
- Level of abstraction
- What is input/output logic?
- Regulative Norms (Handout)
- Constitutive Norms (Handout)
Normative Systems (Handout)
- Constitutive + regulative norms
- Dynamic permissions
- The Algebra of normative systems (Motivation, subordination algebra)
- Coherent systems
Normative Changes (Handout)
- Normative Equivalence
- Dynamic normative systems
Application (Handout)
- Computational Philosophy
- Cognitive Architecture
- Cybersecurity
Normative Reasoning (Handout)
Teaching Experience at the University of Luxembourg
2019 -- 2020 - Teaching Assistant for Intelligent
I - Knowledge Representation
Instructors: L. van der Torre, A. Steen -
2017 -- 2019 - Teaching Assistant for Intelligent
II - Multiagent Systems
Instructors: L. van der Torre, X. Parent -
2017 -- 2019 - Teaching Assistant for Intelligent
- Agents and Reasoning
Instructors: L. van der Torre, G. Casiani -
2017 - Teaching Assistant for Discrete Mathematics
Instructor: B. Teheux
2019 -- 2020 - Teaching Assistant for Intelligent
I - Knowledge Representation
Teaching Experience at the University of Tehran
2011 -- 2015 - Teaching Assistant for Mathematical
Instructor: M. Alizadeh -
2012 - Teaching Assistant for Calculus I
Instructor: H. Sabzro -
2011 - Teaching Assistant for Calculus I
Instructor: F.A. Shirazi
2011 -- 2015 - Teaching Assistant for Mathematical